

Best 10 Ways to Improve Business Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a big issue today. There was a worldwide 125% increase in cyber-attacks from 2016 to 2021, which is anticipated to continue in 2022.

Having improved business cybersecurity is a MUST in today’s time and age. Hackers are waiting in the wings to take advantage of any weaknesses in your computer system or network and steal sensitive information.

Cyber attackers and hackers represent a risk to everybody who uses a computer connected to the Internet. These cybercriminals compromise computer security through phishing scams, spam emails/IMs, and fake websites.

If you haven’t implemented ways to improve cybersecurity, you’re likely to get victimized by cybercriminals. They may try to gain access to your system and any sensitive data stored on it.

They can eavesdrop on your phone calls and read your website’s admin panel. Computer hackers often use false identities to get access to sensitive information or commit other cybercrimes.

There is a whole subculture of crooks whose primary mission is to figure out how to sneak into your system and use it against you.

Hackers find small enterprises to be interesting targets. Most small firms have a manageable amount of data, but their security measures are often lacking. Hackers are able to utilize the information they obtain to steal from many other people.

When you don’t implement methods for small business cybersecurity, you put your company in danger. Hackers have the ability to steal money, information on employees and customers, as well as information about vendors. Your relationships with your employees, customers, and vendors could all suffer as a result of a data breach.

Hence, it is more vital than ever before to have the right measures to improve business cybersecurity. There are numerous ways you can enhance your cybersecurity and protect your business from potential cyberattacks.

What are the ways to improve cybersecurity?

Well, we are going to discuss the same in this post. So keep reading to know the top 10 ways to improve business cybersecurity.

Here we go…

#1. Enhance the level of security on your network

You need to improve cybersecurity to compete with the hackers attempting to harm your company for their own financial benefit. Enhancing the level of security on your network can help you stay ahead of online crooks.

#2. Use safe passwords

Your password should not be easy to crack. Know that a poor password offers a significant risk and makes systems vulnerable. Therefore, it is crucial to have a robust password. Having a robust password will help you greatly to improve business cybersecurity.

Here are some of the things that you can do to have a robust password:

  • Create passwords by combining uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. For instance, jH@niswiSe24, RoCkyLiKedAnciNg1234, and so on. The idea is to create long passwords, as these are difficult to guess.
  • Avoid using passwords that are easily guessed by others, such as your birthday, the names of your children or spouse, or your birthplace.
  • Never use the same password across numerous services or platforms.
  • Make frequent changes to your passphrase.
  • Never leave your devices logged in when you’re not around. Take the time to log off of the device, even if you only intend to be gone for a few minutes, unless you will be leaving it in a secure location, such as your office.
  • Configure your devices and websites such that they automatically log you out after a short period of inactivity.
  • Don’t enter or use your password when people are around, no matter how close the person is.
  • Have all your passwords saved in a secure location. Don’t write them on a piece of paper, diaries, etc. Have an encrypted file for the same.

Following these steps will help you have complete business information security.

#3. Avoid clicking on links in unsolicited emails

Another best way to improve cybersecurity is to avoid clicking on unsolicited emails. Emails present a high risk of clicking on malicious links or accidentally disclosing sensitive information. As a result, it’s crucial that you learn to spot and avoid potentially harmful links. Here are the things that you can do to avoid being trapped:

  • Considering the sender as a starting point is a good idea. Therefore, you should verify the sender and recipient information. If the email’s sender or recipient list seems odd or out of the ordinary, it’s generally not safe to open.
  • It’s better to delete an email if the subject line doesn’t seem to relate to the contents. Therefore, you should verify the sender and subject line of the email to ensure it is not a phishing scam.
  • Never open an attachment or click on an email link unless you know who it is from. Many victims have been duped into clicking on links or opening attachments from what they believed to be legitimate communications from their banks.
  • Never open an attachment from an unknown sender or from a person you weren’t expecting any attached file or doc.
  • If you’re suspicious, it’s better to hold the mouse pointer over a link. It’s likely phishing if there are typos, a large amount of text and numbers, and inconsistencies between the hyperlink and its destination. Just delete the email instantly to avoid any potential risk.

#4. Develop a comprehensive cybersecurity policy for your company

You MUST develop a comprehensive cybersecurity policy for your organization in order to avoid cyberattacks.

Include protocols for maintaining the confidentiality of information pertaining to employees, vendors, and customers. Include the ways to improve cybersecurity in the cybersecurity policy of your business so that your staff can proactively act in the event that there is a security breach.

Have your personnel come up with secure passwords that are also unique to each account. Aside from that, persuade them to establish unique passwords for each and every desktop and mobile device that they use.

Send regular reminders to employees about how to protect themselves from cyber threats, especially whenever you gain new knowledge or implement novel security procedures.

#5. Educate your staff

Data security training for your employees is another important step to improving business cybersecurity. They need to have some fundamental understanding of the typical forms that cybersecurity problems can take and how they manifest themselves.

Here is what you can do to teach your employees to stay alert for any online threat:

  • Provide them with instructions on how to recognize spam in the form of emails and communications sent through social media.
  • You should also conduct training on phishing using real-life examples of phishing scams to help your employees recognize the difference between authentic and fabricated emails.
  • Let them know the different red flags that indicate an email is a phishing scam so that it can be easily identified.
  • Also, let them be aware of some basic cybersecurity best practices for protecting themselves against social engineering, malware, and ransomware.
  • Insist them to report the situation immediately to the concerned department if they observe any of the following indicators of criminal activity: a). Unexpectedly, new software or applications start showing up on their devices. b). Unusual alerts appear on their screens when they turn on, use, or shut off their devices, or their device substantially speeds up, or they lose control of the mouse or keyboard, etc.

This will guarantee that all employees are aware of how to maintain the confidentiality of company and customer information.

#6. Use firewalls

Another way to improve business cybersecurity is to use a firewall. It will safeguard your systems. Also, set up a log to keep track of who tried to access your systems.

Having the Security Incident and Event Management system or SIEM is a great way to improve cybersecurity. It provides you with comprehensive information about any problems that may arise.

Aside from that, make sure to encrypt all of your data files as well, regardless of where you save them, on your computer, on the cloud, and on your mobile device.

#7. Opt for VPNs

It’s always best to opt for VPNs in order to improve your cybersecurity. A virtual private network (VPN) essentially provides an encrypted server that conceals your IP address from prying eyes like corporations, governments, and hackers.

It shields your online activity and identity from prying eyes even when you’re utilizing a public or shared Wi-Fi connection. Also, it enables your workers to work remotely without posing a risk to your company’s safety.

It routes all of your data through an off-site network while utilizing an encrypted connection. Having a VPN server safeguards not just you and your employees but also your customers.

#8. Update computers

It is recommended that you perform routine updates on all of your computing devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. Keeping your operating systems and web browsers up to date is the best way to improve your cybersecurity.

Always make sure to check for updated versions of your software, especially your security software. Every piece of software that is installed on your computer will eventually require an update. Timely updates can help you avoid any potential cyberattack.

Also, if your employees use mobile devices for work, persuade them to have the most recent versions of any apps they use, particularly any security programs.

#9. Create backups

Maintaining regular backups of the information on computers is highly recommended. You ought to have a second duplicate stashed away in a different location to improve business cybersecurity.

#10. Leverage the power of AI

The significance of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber security can’t be ignored when it comes to improving business cybersecurity.

Tasks like monitoring, threat hunting, and incident response require a lot of time and effort. Having AI technologies in place can aid organizations in preventing cyberattacks and remaining ahead of threats.

With AI, cyber operations can be transformed into autonomous processes that accelerate repair and boost security, eliminating the need for a separate crew to monitor threats.

Summing it up…

Here, therefore, are the top 10 ways to improve business cybersecurity. If you implement these measures, you should have more success in warding off cybercriminals.

Be aware of how much of an advantage it can be to have solid cybersecurity safeguards in place. Customers are more likely to shop on websites that guarantee their online safety.

If you follow the ways to improve cybersecurity religiously, there is no way you’re going to lose a customer or vendor!